NogDB Key Features

Simple, fully-functioned providing graph database APIs

You can select, create, edit, link or whatever you’d like to do to your graph with NogDB. We provide all ( and absolutely not only ) basic functions to manipulate graph database right here waiting for you to enjoy.

High-reliability with no data loss guaranteed

Every data commited into NogDB is guaranteed to be stored into our database system. Data will not be lost if database service is terminated, or running machine goes down.

Fast, embedded and nothing required

NogDB is implemented in C++ requiring only standard libraries provided in C++11. So you can just write your code, compile and run on any platform, this also makes NogDB very useful and effective for using on embedded systems.

Lightweight and native

NogDB is very small, lightweight and very easy to install on any platform. NogDB also provides API for many popular languages, decreasing so much learning curve on many situations.

Supports multiple platforms

Not only supporting multiple languages as native, NogDB can be used on many platforms as we said, not much thing is required for using NogDB. Just grab it, write code, compile and run on your machine.