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  • Find our repository here

Download NogDB Manually

  • Download NogDB source code.
Version Zip File Tar File
v1.0.0 coming soon coming soon
  • Extract file

    • Windows: Double click the downloaded file to unzip it

    • Linux

$ tar -xzvf nogdb.tar.gz nogdb

Download NogDB from Github

$ git clone


  • GCC (gcc/g++ 5.1.0 or above) or LLVM (clang/clang++ 3.8.0 or above) compiler that supports C++11


  • Build NogDB with Makefile
$ cd nogdb
$ sh
$ make && make test
$ sudo make install
$ make clean

NOTE: In some platforms, for instance, Ubuntu and RHEL/CentOS, you may need to create symbolic links of headers and libs to your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH manually

  • Build NogDB with CMake
$ cd nogdb
$ cmake .
$ cmake --build . && ctest
$ sudo make install

Hello World step-by-step

  • Create cpp source with NogDB including
// Include nogdb to project
#include <nogdb/nogdb.h>

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    return 0;
  • Create database context with maximum db number at 128 and maximum db size at 4GB
#include <nogdb/nogdb.h>

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Create database context pointing to file 'mygraph.db'
    nogdb::Context ctx{"mygraph.db", 128, 4294967296UL};

    return 0;
  • Create classes VERTEX Words for words, VERTEX InitialWords for starting words and EDGE WordLinks for linking words
#include <nogdb/nogdb.h>

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    nogdb::Context ctx{"mygraph.db", 128, 4294967296UL};

    try {
// Create READ_WRITE transaction
        nogdb::Txn txn(ctx, nogdb::Txn::Mode::READ_WRITE);
// Create vertex 'Words'
        nogdb::Class::create(txn "Words", nogdb::ClassType::VERTEX);
// Create vertex 'InitialWords'
        nogdb::Class::createExtend(txn, "InitialWords", "Words");
// Create edge 'WordLinks'
        nogdb::Class::create(txn, "WordLinks", nogdb::ClassType::EDGE);
    } catch ( nogdb::Error& err ) {
        std::cerr << err.code() << " " << err.what() << std::endl;

    return 0;
  • Create Property string within VERTEX Words
#include <nogdb/nogdb.h>

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    nogdb::Context ctx{"mygraph.db", 128, 4294967296UL};

    try {
		nogdb::Txn txn(ctx, nogdb::Txn::Mode::READ_WRITE);
        nogdb::Class::create(txn, "Words", nogdb::ClassType::VERTEX);
        nogdb::Class::createExtend(txn, "InitialWords", "Words");
        nogdb::Class::create(txn, "WordLinks", nogdb::ClassType::EDGE);

// create property 'string' within vertex 'Words' (also applied to 'InitialWords')
        nogdb::Property::add(txn, "Words", "string", nogdb::PropertyType::TEXT);
    } catch ( NogDB::Error& err ) {
        std::cerr << err.code() << " " << err.what() << std::endl;

    return 0;
  • Create vertices for InitialWords and Words. And create link between them.
#include <nogdb/nogdb.h>

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    nogdb::Context ctx{"mygraph.db", 128, 4294967296UL};

    try {
        nogdb::Txn txn(ctx, nogdb::Txn::Mode::READ_WRITE);
        nogdb::Class::create(txn, "Words", nogdb::ClassType::VERTEX);
        nogdb::Class::createExtend(txn, "InitialWords", "Words");
        nogdb::Class::create(txn, "WordLinks", nogdb::ClassType::EDGE);

        nogdb::Property::add(txn, "Words", "string", nogdb::PropertyType::TEXT);

// Create prototypes of vertices
        nogdb::Record hello{}, world{};
        hello.set("string", "Hello");               
        world.set("string", ", World.");
// Create vertices to db with created prototypes
        nogdb::RecordDescriptor vHello = nogdb::Vertex::create(txn, "InitialWords", hello);
        nogdb::RecordDescriptor vWorld = nogdb::Vertex::create(txn, "Words", world);
// Create link between both vertices
        nogdb::Edge::create(txn, "WordLinks", vHello, vWorld);
// Do a transaction commit

    } catch ( nogdb::Error& err ) {
        std::cerr << err.code() << " " << err.what() << std::endl;

    return 0;
  • Get Initial Word, go to another word through edge, print string for every word passed.
#include <nogdb/nogdb.h>

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    nogdb::Context ctx{"mygraph.db", 128, 4294967296UL};qๆ

    try {
        nogdb::Txn txn(ctx, nogdb::Txn::Mode::READ_WRITE);
        nogdb::Class::create(txn, "Words", nogdb::ClassType::VERTEX);
        nogdb::Class::createExtend(txn, "InitialWords", "Words");
        nogdb::Class::create(txn, "WordLinks", nogdb::ClassType::EDGE);

        nogdb::Property::add(txn, "Words", "string", nogdb::PropertyType::TEXT);

        nogdb::Record hello{}, world{};
        hello.set("string", "Hello");               
        world.set("string", ", World.");
        nogdb::RecordDescriptor vHello = nogdb::Vertex::create(txn, "InitialWords", hello);
        nogdb::RecordDescriptor vWorld = nogdb::Vertex::create(txn, "Words", world);
        nogdb::Edge::create(txn, "WordLinks", vHello, vWorld);

    } catch ( nogdb::Error& err ) {
        std::cerr << err.code() << " " << err.what() << std::endl;

    try {
// Create READ_ONLY transaction
        nogdb::Txn txn(ctx, nogdb::Txn::Mode::READ_ONLY);
// Get initial word from 'InitialWords'
        nogdb::ResultSet word1 = nogdb::Vertex::get(txn, "InitialWords");
// Get property 'string' from vertex and print to screen
        std::cout << word1[0].record.get("string").toText();

// Get out edge from record
        nogdb::ResultSet edge = nogdb::Vertex::getOutEdge(txn, word1[0].descriptor);
// Get destination vertex from edge
        nogdb::Result word2 = nogdb::Edge::getDst(txn, edge[0].descriptor);

// Get property 'string' from another vertex and print to screen
        std::cout << word2.record.get("string").toText() << std::endl;

    } catch ( nogdb::Error& err ) {
        std::cerr << err.code() << " " << err.what() << std::endl;

    return 0;
  • This is what final 'hello_world.cpp' looks like
#include <nogdb/nogdb.h>

int main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
    nogdb::Context ctx{"mygraph.db", 128, 4294967296UL};

    try {
        nogdb::Txn txn(ctx, nogdb::Txn::Mode::READ_WRITE);
        nogdb::Class::create(txn, "Words", nogdb::ClassType::VERTEX);
        nogdb::Class::createExtend(txn, "InitialWords", "Words");
        nogdb::Class::create(txn, "WordLinks", nogdb::ClassType::EDGE);

        nogdb::Property::add(txn, "Words", "string", nogdb::PropertyType::TEXT);

        nogdb::Record hello{}, world{};
        hello.set("string", "Hello");
        world.set("string", ", World.");
        nogdb::RecordDescriptor vHello = nogdb::Vertex::create(txn, "InitialWords", hello);
        nogdb::RecordDescriptor vWorld = nogdb::Vertex::create(txn, "Words", world);
        nogdb::Edge::create(txn, "WordLinks", vHello, vWorld);

    } catch ( nogdb::Error& err ) {
        std::cerr << err.code() << " " << err.what() << std::endl;

    try {
        nogdb::Txn txn(ctx, nogdb::Txn::Mode::READ_ONLY);
        nogdb::ResultSet word1 = nogdb::Vertex::get(txn, "InitialWords");
        std::cout << word1[0].record.get("string").toText();

        nogdb::ResultSet edge = nogdb::Vertex::getOutEdge(txn, word1[0].descriptor);
        nogdb::Result word2 = nogdb::Edge::getDst(txn, edge[0].descriptor);

        std::cout << word2.record.get("string").toText() << std::endl;

    } catch ( nogdb::Error& err ) {
        std::cerr << err.code() << " " << err.what() << std::endl;

    return 0;
  • Build and run
$ g++ -std=c++11 hello_world.cpp -lnogdb -o hello_world
$ ./hello_world
Hello, World.